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grooming basics 101
- before brushing your dog, always lightly mist it with a little water from a spray bottle. The will of the water? The judiciary? Static? Electricity ? And provide the flexibility of the coat to prevent breakage of hair shafts.
- If you can hear the brush because it is pulling through the coat, you brush too hard or using a brush to coat the wrong style.
- always brush your dog and remove any mats before bathing him. ? Wash the dog with loose mats or hair will only worsen the situation, causing the mats that grow in size and become more tightly matted.
- grooming gives you a chance to reveal the wounds, blocks or changes in the skin and coat the case that might help you discover a serious condition early on
- clean coat grows coat; dirt on coats breaks the hair shafts leaving unwanted hair all over the house.
- double-coated dogs shed their jackets Althtanih twice a year. ? Dead and loose? Undercoat ? To stay on? Dog will quickly generate hard to remove mats.
- Most dogs enjoy the attention of grooming when it's done? regularly.
- 10 minutes a week is all that is necessary to keep the average dog's coat thin in good condition.
grooming tools for the dog coated double
The cost of each of the this grooming tools together is less than one visit to a professional groomer, and it is worth having at hand.
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[19459013 pin brush by # 1 all systems |
pin brush
brush pin is a basic brush that It will use the weekly maintenance of a double coat your dog. ? Should easily slip through the coat without making any raw scrape or rupture sounds.?
brushes pin comes in two style , with those Nobs on both ends of the pins, and who have a pin in a row that are gently rounded at the tips. ? Never use a style with Nobs on both ends. ? It is designed to remove the coat ,? But? They pull and? Tear in a healthy coat, making grooming experience unpleasant and even painful for dogs.
Poodle comb
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master Groomer Poodle comb |
uses this comb with wide teeth and comb in order to finish a double-coated dogs, once a dog's coat free of mats or loose hair. Spaced teeth of a comb poodle in 1/4 inch distance from each other.
uses a comb to detect any mats and clumps of small loose hair that has been missed in the brush of the dog. ? If the sticks a comb, you need to investigate in that region of the dogs coat more carefully. This is how you prevent tangles from small to large mats become throughout the week.
and slicker brush
slicker brush |
slicker brush is used to remove the mat and grooming accessories (feathers on the front legs, pants and hair on the hocks and behind the ears).
we will discuss the use in the removal of the mat further down in this article.
crushers Mat
there are two types of breakers on the mat. It is best used with one tooth longer a big cut apart, mats grip size. ? The one with the shorter teeth is good for stripping the outside and fluffy under coat.?
The undercoat sheds and remain located in with healthy hair, right?
The undercoat sheds and remain located in with healthy hair, right?
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short Blade died breakers by Safari |
begins to form a loose mat. Short blades are good for the stripping of that loose floor mats, mat remover longer will a simple white? Slip? Through tangles loose.
remove the scalp can help calm the dog coated double in the summer months, and are also on show dogs to help? Carving dog scheme. ? Dogs with an abundance more than the hair on his loins and background can seem "high in the rear."? Remove excess undercoat reveals the real structure of the dog.
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long teeth Dematting large mats comb |
rolling coat on a dog-coated double
rolling coat removes Dead and loose hair, and it promotes new hair growth and distribution of natural oils dog along the hair shafts. It must be executed this once a week, and will reduce the amount of shed around your home to a large extent. Rolling? Coat ? You should only take about 5 minutes on each side? Dog when done on a weekly basis.
to roll coat, spray your dog with water from a spray bottle before? the beginning. ? Do you have a dog lying on its side, and using a pin brush without Nobs on both ends of the pins, clean coat appeared to start in the shoulder. ? Back brushing means you will brush a small amount of hair in the opposite direction of how the hair grows naturally and lays.?
grabbed coat toward the front of the dog gently to the bottom as you brush the hair back towards the dog's head, creating a role in the coat. Continue brushing the back of the coat 2 inches with each stroke moving down the side of the dog towards the tail. Brushing in the opposite direction of how to put hair allows you to get to the base of each hair shaft and remove all dead or loose hair on the dog. ?
once you've brushed back all the hair from the shoulder to the contrary in the pants? Direction? From? Growth pattern, brush hair gently back to the direction in which usually puts. Convert more dog, fog again and repeat on the opposite side.
after rolling coat, you should be able to easily pull-toothed comb and wide, or comb poodles, easily through the coat dog. ? Any places that sticks comb, and should be investigated for a small tangles or mats. This is all that is required to keep the dog coated double coat in good condition when it is not in the shedding phase.
and double-coated shed stage dog
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shed rake |
coated dogs twice a year will double "blow coat". This is when throwing more than the scalp may become Guard hairs remaining dry and brittle appearance. ? It may take up to three weeks for the dog to completely blow the coat. ? This is the time that most of the mats are formed if the dead were allowed to stay on the hair regularly without being brushed out.
and brushing with a pin brush it takes a long time to remove all loose hair, but rake shed will make quick work of hair removal Dead and loose. ? With a few passes on the back and sides of your dog, you can remove most of the dead hair in a few minutes.
remove the mat
If you have a double-coated dog, it is imperative that the mat will eventually form on your dog. Mat favorite sites are behind the ears, pants and under the arms where the arm and body scrub together. ? Some dogs lose coat through a shed in tufts, which makes it easy to spot that the time to rake shed arrived. ? Other coats tend to hold hair in loose, creating a dense mass of hair along the rump pants dog hiding under the guard hairs.
Depending on the type of floor mats you are dealing with, and there are many techniques to help you easily and without removing the mats and maintain a healthy coat pain.
small in sensitive areas remove mats
small mats behind the ears can be removed with scissors. ? Using shear thinning near the mat base will make the removal of the mat is less clear.
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Use narrow teeth to tease apart the small mats or loose. |
small mats on the sensitive areas, you can draw the mat with a comb finishing. Start with the longer hair from the skin of dogs, and try to gently separate the hair from each other. ? You may want to short mat blade remover use to encourage hair to separate.
when using any mat remover with blades, and the angle of the blade ends away from the dog's body with sharp sides of the blades facing away from the body dogs. ? In this video, use a rake King fur coat kind of exclusion of the mat. Mars king made coat, however Oster makes a similar tool (pictured here), which also works well for half the price.
- here used Nanny slicker brush her teeth with a fine to determine mats.?
- then uses a comb to tease finishing small mats separately .
- fur was held at the base of the mat when the mat teasing apart, to keep from pulling on the skin of dogs. ?
- is a matter of more stubborn mats on the ear away with short blades of Oster undercoat rake.
- The last of the loose hair is removed from the fine teeth of the comb finishing. If you do not have to comb finishing, and use slicker brush to remove loose hair final.
large and densely populated fur on large tracts remove mats
for large mats : may want to spray the first mat with detangler designed for dog coats. Best shot makes a good detangler. Our favorite is the Island dogs Detangler # 63. We love this detangler because it can not be left in without attracting dirt, which creates a new floor mats, plus it smells like honeysuckles !?
when you use a detangler, spray the area matted, and work it into the area matted with your fingers, then wait 3-5 minutes before the grooming of the mat.
Use long blade mat comb to slice through the tightly knitted mats. Using deployment procedure, and start at the end of the loose mat stroking away from the dog, and work on the base of a node in consecutive blows. This is done with the publication of gentle but firm with the blades facing away from the dog's skin (and this work is reflected in the video below).?
make several passes so easily flowing through the knot. ? Using a slicker brush, gently remove loose hair in short strokes on the hair at the end of a node, and work in the direction of the body of dog.?
end by running a comb over the region to ensure that all tangles and loose hair move.
here nanny shows the work of deployment required to break the mat ,?
and then follow up with a slicker brush and comb finishing.
remove dead densely undercoat
if I packed a large area of the dog tightly with Dead hair, can make it difficult to feel even the dogs under the skin coat. ? Begin by liberally sprinkled with detangler coat, then let it sit for 3-5 minutes.
starting from a base in the region matted or above the dog's tail. Click on the coat again toward the head, and start teasing toward the tail coat with a slicker brush, a little at a time. ? If the coat stubborn, use a mat remover with short blades for? Season? And spare tangled? Hair.
also loosen hair, repeat brushing with a slicker brush. ? Continue back and forth between the mat remover brush coat so? Free mat in the region ,? Go over it one last time with a comb with coarse tine spacing. ? See demonstration below the pants matted this dog. Note that it begins at the bottom of the tangled area of the exclusion of tangles in his coat.
as relaxed hair removal, she reapply detangler to speed up the process.
quickly remove hair from Pants matted
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